Legal Talk Network Podcasts: US Companies Operating in the UK – Are you ready for Brexit?


Originally aired on November 5th, 2019

Panelists from London-based law firm Bird & Bird discuss the implications of Brexit for US companies operating in the UK.

In this edition of Law Technology Now, host Ralph Baxter talks with a panel of guests from London-based law firm Bird & Bird about the implications of Brexit for US businesses operating in the United Kingdom. They begin by offering listeners an overview of Brexit basics and discuss what may happen if no deal is made before the UK’s withdrawal. Ralph then drills down on four time-sensitive issues: immigration law and new work requirements for EU nationals, changes in privacy law and GDPR, fundamental changes to trade laws and practices, and export control rules related to software exports. Each panelist offers recommendations for US companies regarding these key issues.


  • Roger Bickerstaff is a partner at Bird & Bird and a leading technology lawyer and advisor on tech infrastructure and outsourcing projects.

1.    Yuichi Sekine is head of Bird & Bird’s business immigration team in the UK and a member of Bird & Bird’s international HR services group.

2.    Elizabeth Upton is legal director of Bird & Bird’s privacy and data protection practice in the UK.

3.    Richard Eccles is a partner at Bird & Bird advising on competition law (EU and UK), telecommunications regulation, and trade and customs matters.

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